5 Best Job Interview Questions in Thailand

1. What are your strengths? The general consensus is to prioritize quality over quantity in this case. Candidates should provide a list of their strongest points, with examples to back each one up. They should also explain how these skills will be useful in the job they're applying for, and use this question to reveal something interesting about themselves. While this is a common interview question, it is also one of the best interview questions to ask early in the process. Warning signs: The candidate is either unprepared for the question or provides only generic responses. This is the most common job interview question as suggested by the top Executive Search in Thailand , and everyone should be prepared to answer it. If they don't appear prepared or give a standard response, it's probably a bad sign. 2. What are your weaknesses? Candidates should discuss a real weakness that they have been working on improving. They're not good at public speaking, for example, but t...